我是个喜欢造轮子的人 本来microdot用得好好的 但是越看越觉得不够清秀 而且不需要的功能完全是浪费内存 所以我干脆自己写了个异步的http服务器 打成mpy也才几k 暂时无屎山 合适用途简单的地方
支持路由 支持预处理后处理 支持响应字串 文件 json form-urlencoded 支持cookie 自动识别功能函数是普通的还是协程
只支持utf-8编码 不支持文件上传 不支持模板 websocket官方已提供 ssl普通人用不起 但要用需要小改 用官方ssl包wrap
目前只进行了简单的测试 在我这里 做完静态文件服务 也只需要下面代码
web=aweb.Web() @web('*', 'get') def _get(flow): path='web/'+flow.path.strip('/') if '..' in path or '/_' in path or path.startswith('_') or path.endswith('.py'): flow.send_text('!!! Not found !!!', status=404, reason='BADPATH') try: while os.stat(path)[0]&0x4000: # dir path=path+'/index.html' flow.send_file(path, max_age=86400) except OSError: flow.send_text('!!! Not found !!!', status=404, reason='NOTFOUND') ... asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete( \ aweb.server(web, port=conf.port, limit=1024, clients=10)) ... asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever()
具体模块代码如下 开头是一段各种使用的例子
''' A light-weight async http web server for light-weight usage. (not fully tested) Examples: import aweb web=aweb.Web() @web('index.html') def root(flow): flow.send_file('web/index.html') @web('post/*', ':before') def auth(flow): flow.var['user']=flow.cookie('user') if flow.head['host']=='vhoost': flow.path='vhost/'+flow.path @web('', ':after') def after_all(flow): flow.tail['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' # header to send flow.set_cookie('user', flow.var['user'], max_age=3600) if not hasattr(flow, 'send'): flow.send_file('web/404.html', status=404, reason='LOST') # in fact, more than one server with more path-router can be run at the same time # ssl is not supported, it's too expensive for most of DIYers, but it's also easy to be wrapped asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete( \ aweb.server(web, port=80, limit=1024, clients=5)) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete( \ aweb.server(web2, port=8080, limit=1024, clients=5)) @web('test/*', 'get', "I'm robot", generator) async def test(flow, title, gen): # async function is also automatically supported await asyncio.sleep(1) #support outside content generator, also can send text/html/redirect/file/json/form directly if gen: flow.tail['Content-Type']=... flow.send=generator else: flow.send_json({'return':title}) # initialize other aync services # loop all async services asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever() ''' import asyncio import json import sys _minetypes={ 'css': 'text/css', 'gif': 'image/gif', 'html': 'text/html', 'htm': 'text/html', 'jpg': 'image/jpeg', 'js': 'application/javascript', 'json': 'application/json', 'png': 'image/png', 'txt': 'text/plain', } def minetype(ext): return _minetypes.get(ext.lower(), 'application/octet-stream') # support only utf-8 in micropython def url_decode(b): ret=bytearray() l=len(b) i=0 while i<l: t=b[i] if t==0x28: # + t=0x20 # [space] elif t==0x25 and i+2<l: # % t=int(b[i+1:i+3], 16) i=i+2 ret.append(t) i=i+1 return ret.decode('utf-8') def url_encode(s, safe=False): ret=bytearray() for b in s.encode('utf-8'): if (b>=65 and b<=90) or (b>=97 and b<=122) or b==45 or b==46 or (b==47 and not safe) or b==95 or b==126: ret.append(b) else: ret.extend(b'%{:02X}'.format(b)) return ret def param_decode(ret, b): for kv in b.split(b'&'): kv=kv.split(b'=',1) if not kv[0]: continue ret.append((url_decode(kv[0].strip()), url_decode(kv[1]) if len(kv)>1 else '')) def param_encode(ret, l): for k,v in l: if not k: continue if len(ret)>0: ret.extend(b'&') ret.extend(url_encode(k)) ret.extend(b'=') ret.extend(url_encode(v or '')) def param_get(tp, name): for k,v in tp: if k==name: return v return None def param_array(tp, name): ret=[] for k,v in tp: if k==name: ret.append(v) return ret class Web(list): #decorator to specify a function as web routing #path is likely 'test/index.html' 'test/path', without case sensitive #path is from root without leading '/' #using '*' at the tail of path as wildcard #method can be 'get' 'post', or use ',' to combine them #args and kwargs will be used to call the mapped function #longest path matches first #method ':before' ':after' is specially for function running before or after def __call__(self, path, method='get,post', *args, **kwargs): def decorator(func): p=path.lower() if p.endswith('*'): p=p[:-1] wc=True else: wc=False order=(len(p)<<2)+(0 if wc else 1) i=0 n=len(self) while i<n: if self[i][0]<=order: break for m in method.split(','): self.insert(i, (order, p, m.strip().lower(), wc, func, args, kwargs)) return func return decorator # find the path, return the longest one, then matching method, then matching wildcard # return a tuple as (order, path, method, wildcard, func, args, kwargs) def find(self, path, method): p=path.lower() if path else '' m=method.lower() if method else 'get' for t in self: if (t[1]==p or (t[3] and p.startswith(t[1]))) and t[2]==m: return t return None def _send_file(fname): mv=memoryview(bytearray(1024)) with open(fname, 'rb') as f: while t:=f.readinto(mv): yield mv[:t] # micropython does not support async yield yet class AsyncGenRead: def __init__(self, r): self.r=r def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): while t:=self.r.read(1024): return t raise StopAsyncIteration class Flow: def __init__(self, r, w, limit): self.req=r self.resp=w self.limit=limit self.var={} # for unspecified usage during whole flow async def readallb(self): t=self.head.get('content-length') if t: t=int(t) if t>self.limit: raise MemoryError('Out of limit size') return await self.req.readexactly(t) else: t=await self.req.read(self.limit) if len(t)>=self.limit: # seems not end raise MemoryError('Out of limit size') return t async def readlineb(self, mv): r=self.req p=0 limit=len(mv) while p<limit and await r.readinto(mv[p:p+1]): if mv[p]==0x0A: return bytes(mv[:p]).rstrip(b'\r\n') p=p+1 raise MemoryError('Out of limit size') async def _start(self): mv=memoryview(bytearray(self.limit)) t=await self.readlineb(mv) t=t.split() if len(t)<3: raise ValueError('Bad protocol') self.method=t[0].strip().decode('utf-8').lower() v=t[2].strip().split(b'/', 1) self.ver=v[1].strip().decode('utf-8') if len(v)>1 else '1.1' t=t[1].strip().split(b'?', 1) v=t[0].replace(b'\\', b'/').split(b'/', 1) self.path=url_decode(v[1]).strip().lower() if len(v)>1 else '' self._query_b=t[1].rstrip().lstrip('? \t') if len(t)>1 else b'' self.head={} self.cookie={} while t:=await self.readlineb(mv): t=t.split(b':',1) v=t[0].strip().decode('utf-8').lower() if v=='cookie': if len(t)>1: for v in t[1].split(b';'): t=v.split(b'=', 1) self.cookie[url_decode(t[0].strip())]=url_decode(t[1].strip()) if len(t)>1 else '' continue self.head[v]=t[1].strip().decode('utf-8') if len(t)>1 else '' del mv self.status=200 self.reason='OK' self.tail={'Connection':'Close'} self._setcookie={} async def _finish(self): if not hasattr(self, 'send'): self.send='!!! NOT FOUND !!!' self.status=404 self.reason='NOROUTER' self.tail['Content-Type']='text/plain' resp=self.resp resp.write(b'HTTP/1.0 {} {}\r\n'.format(self.status, self.reason, encoding='utf-8')) for k,v in self.tail.items(): if not k: continue if isinstance(v, tuple) or isinstance(v, list): for t in v: resp.write(b'{}: {}\r\n'.format(k, t or '', encoding='utf-8')) else: resp.write(b'{}: {}\r\n'.format(k, v or '', encoding='utf-8')) await resp.drain() for k,v in self._setcookie.items(): if not k: continue resp.write(b'Set-Cookie: '+url_encode(k)+b'='+(v or b'')+b'\r\n') resp.write(b'\r\n') await resp.drain() send=self.send if isinstance(send, str): resp.write(send.encode('utf-8')) await resp.drain() elif isinstance(send, bytes) or isinstance(send, bytearray) or isinstance(send, memoryview): resp.write(send) await resp.drain() elif isinstance(send, dict): resp.write(json.dumps(send, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf-8')) await resp.drain() elif isinstance(send, list) or isinstance(send, tuple): t=bytearray() param_encode(t, send) resp.write(t) await resp.drain() elif hasattr(send, '__aiter__') and callable(send.__aiter__): async for v in send: if isinstance(v, str): resp.write(v.encode('utf-8')) else: resp.write(v) await resp.drain() elif hasattr(send, 'send') and callable(send.send): for v in send: if isinstance(v, str): resp.write(v.encode('utf-8')) else: resp.write(v) await resp.drain() elif callable(send): t=send() if isinstance(t, str): resp.write(t.encode('utf-8')) else: resp.write(t) await resp.drain() def query(self): if hasattr(self, '_query_b'): self._query=[] param_decode(self._query, self._query_b) delattr(self, '_query_b') return self._query async def recv_json(self): if not hasattr(self, 'recv'): t=await self.readallb() t=t.decode('utf-8') t=json.loads(t) self.recv=t return self.recv async def recv_form(self): if not hasattr(self, 'recv'): t=await self.readallb() self.recv=[] param_decode(self.recv, t) return self.recv # return a async generator to retrieve bytes body using 'async for' def recv_bytes(self): if not hasattr(self, 'recv'): self.recv=AsyncGenRead(self.req) return self.recv def set_cookie(self, name, value, path=None, domain=None, expires=None, \ max_age=None, secure=False, http_only=False, partitioned=False): t=bytearray() t.extend(url_encode(value)) if path: t.extend(b'; Path={}'.format(path, encoding='utf-8')) if domain: t.extend(b'; Domain={}'.format(domain, encoding='utf-8')) if expires: t.extend(b'; Expires={}'.format(expires, encoding='utf-8')) if isinstance(max_age, int): t.extend(b'; Max-Age={}'.format(max_age)) if secure: t.extend(b'; Secure') if http_only: t.extend(b'; HttpOnly') if partitioned: t.extend(b'; Partitioned') self._setcookie[name]=t def del_cookie(self, name): self._setcookie[name]=b'; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; Max-Age=0' def send_text(self, str, status=200, reason='OK'): self.tail['Content-Type']='text/plain' self.send=str self.status=status self.reason=reason def send_html(self, str, status=200, reason='OK'): self.tail['Content-Type']='text/html' self.send=str self.status=status self.reason=reason def send_redirect(self, url): self.tail['Location']=url self.status=302 self.reason='REDIR' def send_json(self, obj, status=200, reason='OK'): self.tail['Content-Type']='application/json' self.send=obj self.status=status self.reason=reason def send_form(self, obj, status=200, reason='OK'): self.tail['Content-Type']='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' self.send=obj self.status=status self.reason=reason def send_file(self, file, max_age=86400, status=200, reason='OK'): t=file.rsplit('.',1) t=t[1] if len(t)>1 else '' self.tail['Content-Type']=minetype(t) if max_age is not None: self.tail['Cache-Control']='Max-Age={}'.format(max_age) self.send=_send_file(file) self.status=status self.reason=reason def send_obj(self, obj, content_type, max_age=None, status=200, reason='OK'): self.tail['Content-Type']=content_type if max_age is not None: self.tail['Cache-Control']='Max-Age={}'.format(max_age) self.send=obj self.status=status self.reason=reason #start a server listening, return an asyncio.Server object async def server(web, host='', port=80, limit=1024, clients=10): clnt=0 async def dispatcher(r, w): nonlocal clnt if clnt<=clients: flow=Flow(r, w, limit=limit) clnt=clnt+1 try: try: await flow._start() ctn=True if exe:=web.find(flow.path, ':before'): coro=exe[4](flow, *(exe[5]), **(exe[6])) if hasattr(coro, 'send') and callable(coro.send): await coro if not hasattr(flow, 'send') and (exe:=web.find(flow.path, flow.method)): coro=exe[4](flow, *(exe[5]), **(exe[6])) if hasattr(coro, 'send') and callable(coro.send): await coro if exe:=web.find(flow.path, ':after'): coro=exe[4](flow, *(exe[5]), **(exe[6])) if hasattr(coro, 'send') and callable(coro.send): await coro except: w.write(b'HTTP/1.0 500 INTERR\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n!!! Internal Error !!!') await w.drain() raise else: await flow._finish() except OSError: pass except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception as e: sys.print_exception(e) finally: clnt=clnt-1 try: w.close() await w.wait_closed() except: pass return await asyncio.start_server(dispatcher, host, port)
[修改于 7个月7天前 - 2024/04/18 11:02:12]
时段 | 个数 |
{{f.startingTime}}点 - {{f.endTime}}点 | {{f.fileCount}} |