BMP085或BMP180通过卡尔曼滤波得出高度数据。在最高点时开伞,并有扬声器播出高度数据。 我觉得火箭项目去年就是用这个代码控制开伞的。 那两个库文件google一下很容易找到的。
Model Rocket single deployment altimeter Ver 1.0
Copyright Boris du Reau 2012-2013
This is using a BMP085 presure sensor and an Attiny 85
The following should fire the main at apogee if it is at least 50m above ground of the launch site
For the BMP085 pressure sensor
Connect VCC of the BMP085 sensor to 5.0V! make sure that you are using the 5V sensor (GY-65 model)
Connect GND to Ground
Connect SCL to i2c clock - pin 7 (PB2) of the ATtiny 85
Connect SDA to i2c data - pin 5 (PB0) of the ATtiny 85
EOC is not used, it signifies an end of conversion
XCLR is a reset pin, also not used here
The apogee is connected to pin 2 (PB3)
The apogee continuity test is connected to pin 3 (PB4)
The speaker/buzzer is connected to pin 6 (PB1)
#include <TinyWireM.h>
#include <tinyBMP085.h>
#define DEBUG //=true
BMP085 bmp;
//ground level altitude
long initialAltitude;
//current altitude
long currAltitude;
//Apogee altitude
long apogeeAltitude;
long liftoffAltitude;
long lastAltitude;
//Our drogue has been ejected i.e: apogee has been detected
boolean apogeeHasFired =false;
//nbr of measures to do so that we are sure that apogee has been reached
unsigned long measures;
// those have been changed for the ATtiny 85
const int pinApogee = 3;
const int pinApogeeContinuity = 4;
const int pinSpeaker = 1;
int nbrLongBeep=0;
int nbrShortBeep=0;
boolean NoBeep=false;
//Kalman Variables
float f_1=1.00000; //cast as float
float kalman_x;
float kalman_x_last;
float kalman_p;
float kalman_p_last;
float kalman_k;
float kalman_q;
float kalman_r;
float kalman_x_temp;
float kalman_p_temp;
//float KAlt;
//end of Kalman Variables
void setup()
//Initialise the output pin
pinMode(pinApogee, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinSpeaker, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinApogeeContinuity, INPUT);
//Make sure that the output are turned off
digitalWrite(pinApogee, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinSpeaker, LOW);
//init Kalman filter
//Presure Sensor Initialisation
//our drogue has not been fired
//let's read the lauch site altitude
long sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
sum += KalmanCalc(XXXXXXadAltitude());
delay(500); }
initialAltitude = (sum / 10.0);
lastAltitude = initialAltitude;
liftoffAltitude = initialAltitude + 20;
//number of measures to do to detect Apogee
measures = 10;
//if (liftoffAltitude <0) {initialAltitude=liftoffAltitude*(-1);}
void loop()
//read current altitude
currAltitude = (KalmanCalc(XXXXXXadAltitude())- initialAltitude);
if (( currAltitude > liftoffAltitude) != true)
//detect apogee
if(currAltitude > liftoffAltitude)
if (currAltitude < lastAltitude)
measures = measures - 1;
if (measures == 0)
//fire drogue
digitalWrite(pinApogee, HIGH);
delay (2000);
digitalWrite(pinApogee, LOW);
apogeeAltitude = currAltitude;
lastAltitude = currAltitude;
measures = 10;
if(apogeeHasFired == true)
void continuityCheck(int pin)
int val = 0; // variable to store the read value
// read the input pin to check the continuity if apogee has not fired
if (apogeeHasFired == false )
val = digitalRead(pin);
if (val == 0)
//no continuity long beep
//continuity short beep
void beepAltitude(long altitude)
int i;
// this is the laste thing that I need to write, some code to beep the altitude
//altitude is in meters
//find how many digits
if(altitude > 99)
// 1 long beep per hundred meter
nbrLongBeep= int(altitude /100);
//then calculate the number of short beep
nbrShortBeep = (altitude - (nbrLongBeep * 100)) / 10;
nbrLongBeep = 0;
nbrShortBeep = (altitude/10);
if (nbrLongBeep > 0)
for (i = 1; i < nbrLongBeep +1 ; i++)
if (nbrShortBeep > 0)
for (i = 1; i < nbrShortBeep +1 ; i++)
void beginBeepSeq()
int i=0;
if (NoBeep == false)
for (i=0; i<10;i++)
tone(pinSpeaker, 1600,1000);
void longBeep()
if (NoBeep == false)
tone(pinSpeaker, 600,1000);
void shortBeep()
if (NoBeep == false)
tone(pinSpeaker, 600,25);
// Kalman functions in your code
//Call KalmanInit() once.
//KalmanInit() - Call before any iterations of KalmanCalc()
void KalmanInit()
kalman_q=4.0001; //filter parameters, you can play around with them
kalman_r=.20001; // but these values appear to be fairly optimal
kalman_x = 0;
kalman_p = 0;
kalman_x_temp = 0;
kalman_p_temp = 0;
kalman_x_last = 0;
kalman_p_last = 0;
//KalmanCalc() - Calculates new Kalman values from float value \"altitude\"
// This will be the ASL altitude during the flight, and the AGL altitude during dumps
float KalmanCalc (float altitude)
//Predict kalman_x_temp, kalman_p_temp
kalman_x_temp = kalman_x_last;
kalman_p_temp = kalman_p_last + kalman_r;
//Update kalman values
kalman_k = (f_1/(kalman_p_temp + kalman_q)) * kalman_p_temp;
kalman_x = kalman_x_temp + (kalman_k * (altitude - kalman_x_temp));
kalman_p = (f_1 - kalman_k) * kalman_p_temp;
//Save this state for next time
kalman_x_last = kalman_x;
kalman_p_last = kalman_p;
//Assign current Kalman filtered altitude to working variables
//KAlt = kalman_x; //FLOAT Kalman-filtered altitude value
return kalman_x;