To date, all major solar system bodies have received at least a preliminary inspection from satellites. Robotic missions, such as Cassini, Juno, or the Mars Curiosity rover, have enticed us with exotic findings and observations about Earth’s planetary neighbors. Of them, Mars has been subject to the most intense scientific scrutiny, since it may have harbored life in the past and may even be home to microbial life today. While we learn and discover more about the vast diversity of environments that may be habitable through remote and in-situ observations, that scientific endeavor can only be truly satisfied with detailed chemical and physical analysis by the scientists and facilities on Earth. To accomplish a Mars sample return mission, an ascent vehicle design is required. With the development and maturation of the Mars Sample Return mission, a Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) has been developed as a means of returning a sample from the surface of Mars to Earth for further scientific study.
在自动驾驶领域呆久了时不时就会怀恋下初心,再给各位后浪们分享一篇报告 火星上升飞行器整体优化设计。
mars 2020火星车很快就要发射了,这次的任务会采集火星样本并等待未来的任务把样本送回地球。 其中很关键的一部分就是火星上升飞行器。要把样本从火星表面发射到火星轨道。 这个上升飞行器还要得可以在火星表面存储两年。我导师的实验室就是负责这个上升飞行器的,所以每年我们都要设计一次这个。 这篇报告是设计整个系统,每个子系统分别优化最后再统一成整体系统优化,值得一提的是里面的上升段弹道设计,这是我从南非来的队友用convex optimization优化出来的。 space x的精确着陆技术也是用了同种算法。 涉及到发动机设计部分的优化都是我法国队友运用固液混合火箭发动机设计方法为这个任务专门优化的。 我主要只负责了最优分级。 任务是把5kg的火星样本从火星北纬30度发射到倾角0度的600km火星轨道。火星上升器要可以在火星表面存放两年并且保持高度可靠性。当然所有关于飞的东西都要尽可能的减少重量。 这篇文章也是我们第一次尝试使用系统整体优化算法。 虽然这只是个理论设计项目并没实际制造出来但也希望可以给大家带来点启发。