XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/由创客大佬Chris Anderson亲自建立,包括若干个DIY无人飞行器项目的全球第一DIY UAV大站
新手入门,包括无人飞行器的概念,基于Arduino的APM飞控板Ardupilot (APM)的介绍,以及应用软件Arduplane(固定翼飞机)、Arducopter(用于旋翼机)、ArduRover(用于车船)的介绍。以上电路板和软件全部开源,并且购买成品电路板、下载软件不需要会编程。
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/profiles/blogs/a-newbies-guide-to-uavs A newbie's guide to UAVs
Posted by Chris Anderson on March 28, 2009 at 2:00pm
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What is an amateur UAV?
An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft that has the capability of autonomous flight, without a pilot in control. Amateur UAVs are non-military and non-commercial. They typically fly under “recreational” exceptions to FAA regulations on UAVs, so long as the pilots/programmers keep them within tight limits on altitude and distance. Usually the UAV is controlled manually by Radio Control (RC) at take-off and landing, and switched into GPS-guided autonomous mode only at a safe altitude. (Confused by all the acronyms and unfamiliar terms in UAVs? A glossary is here.)
What do I need to make one?
---1) An RC plane, muticopter (quadcopter/hexacopter/tricopter, etc) or helicopter (see good starter plane options here). You can buy them ready to fly, including autopilot, here.
---2) An autopilot, such as APM 2.6 (see below)
---3) Optional: a useful “payload”, such as a digital camera or video transmission equipment
What does DIY Drones have to offer?
The DIY Drones community has created the world's first "universal autopilot", ArduPilot Mega (APM). It combines sophisticated IMU-based autopilot electronics with free Arduino-based autopilot software that can turn any RC vehicle into a fully-autonomous UAV.
A full setup consists of:
APM 2.6 autopilot: The electronics, including twin processors, gyros, accelerometers, pressure sensors, GPS and more (shown at right). Available from 3D Robotics ($179).
Mission Planner software: Desktop software that lets you manage APM and plan missions, along with being a powerful ground station during flights and helping you analyze mission logs afterwards.
Autopilot software:
Arduplane: for any fixed-wing aircraft
Arducopter: for any rotary-wing aircraft
ArduRover: for any ground- or water-based vehicle
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/p/ardupilot-mega/wiki/APM2board?wl=zh-Hans 多旋翼
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/p/arducopter/wiki/ArduCopter?wl=zh-HansAPM2跟APM1对比 主要改动在于传感器
使用了 mpu-6000 6轴数字传感器,带内部DMP
高精度 气压计 MS5611 ,10cm精度
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/wiki/OpenPilotXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/OpenPilot is a Free software unmanned aerial vehicle project for model aircraft aimed at supporting both multi-rotor craft as well as fixed wing aircraft. Initially founded by David Ankers, Angus Peart and Vassilis Varveropoulos in late 2009, OpenPilot was conceived as both a learning tool and to address areas the developers perceived were lacking in other small UAV platforms.[1]
The OpenPilot open source autopilot software can be combined with hardware such as an inertial navigation system board, a main control board, a GPS receiver, and a 2.4 GHz serial communications link with the ground station.[2]
The OpenPilot software is released under the GPL version 3 license.
The OpenPilot project consists of two component parts, these are the on-board firmware and the Ground Control Station.[3] The firmware part of the project is written in C whilst the Ground Control Station is written in C++ utilising the Qt Toolkit.
The current on-board hardware is a custom designed solution based on the STM32 Microcontroller.[4] There are two physical boards that are part of the hardware solution, the first is the main OpenPilot board which contains the core Microcontroller, SD socket, barometer plus servo connectors and second, the AHRS board which contains the sensor hardware. In other words, the hardware consists of two boards 1. The microcontroller board -the Core 2. The Sensors board - the AHRS
The OpenPilot AHRS is a 9DOF unit and contains MEMS gyroscopes, accelerometers and a 3 direction magnetometer. Combined with the sensors, the OpenPilot AHRS contains its own Cortex M3 Microcontroller which runs a Kalman filter.[5] Filtered orientation data and inertial measurements are presented back to the main OpenPilot board using an SPI interface.[5]
The OpenPilot AHRS contains the following components:[6]
STM32 Onboard (STM32F103C8)
3x ADXRS610 Rate Gyros
1x HMC5843 Magnetometer
1x LIS344ALH 3-Axis Accelerometer
See also
Paparazzi Project open-source autopilot
1) 最终版本的线路图已经免费发布
2) 最终版本的PCB制板文件(gerber) BS001-C最迟在月底前免费发布,大家也可以晚点在官网直接下载
3) 该硬件各个模块的功能已经通过验证,已经实现成功裸飞(裸飞指没有加入PID控制)
4) 通过三期的活动,共20位坛友参与了硬件设置验证工作,在次,楼主对他们表示无限的感谢
5) 为了方便纯软件的坛友进行飞行算法研究,圆点博士晚些时候将会提供全套焊接好的完整开发套件。
1)STM32+NRF24L01+WIFI-COM模块 线路图
2) STM32+NRF24L01 制板文件(直接采用圆点博士微型四轴飞行器BS001-C版本)
3)STM32固件用于实现NRF24L01和WIFI-COM模块之间的编程 (WIFI-COM模块采用现成的模块)
4) PC端的网络编程
5) 手机端的网络编程