XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/translate?hl=zh-CN&langpair=en%7Czh-CN&u=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/~teney/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXm 翻译软件太尼玛蛋疼了,错误的东西不少,由于本人英语水平不高,仅修改了一部分,还有部分未修改请原谅。
These cardridges are made of steel, 45 mm in diameter, about 50 cm in length, they're rated for 200 bar and they have a nice 1/4" BSP thread on one end. The goal is to build a 500N/2500Ns motor out of one. I'd like to test it progressively, so, at first, I've built a 100N version. I'll scale up the needed parts to increase thrust once I get it running well. Here are the basic provisional specifications of the final version of the motor:
Fuel燃料 Oxidizer氧化剂
O/F ratioO / F比 Chamber pressure腔体压力 Theorical Isp理论框架的ISP Pressurant增压气体 Injection pressure注射压力 Burn time燃烧时间 Average thrust平均推力
| high density polyethylene (HDPE)高密度聚乙烯(HDPE) 85% hydrogen peroxide85%的过氧化氢 (highly stabilized)(高稳定性) 66 35 atm (500 psi)35个大气压(500磅) 240 seconds240秒 liquid CO2液体CO2 55 atm (800 psi)55个大气压(800磅) 5 seconds5秒 500 Newtons (100 lbf)500牛顿(100磅)
测试08 - 2007年4月13日
I built a new nozzle, made of steel, with some parts I had lying around.我建立了一个新的喷嘴,钢,我已经躺在周围的某些部分。 I don't own a lathe personnally, so it was quite a challenge...我不拥有一台车床personnally,所以这是相当大的挑战... Even so I managed to get a robust and cheap nozzle, with an interchangeable divergent section.即便如此,我设法得到一个强大的和便宜的喷嘴,带有可互换的不同部分。 I cut two ends of fire extinguisher CO2 cartridges, and hold them with the proper fitting, which just screws on both of them.我将灭火器CO2盒的两端,并把它们与合适的,这只是他们两个螺丝。 There is a brass gasket in the throat, which seals the two parts.有一个黄铜垫圈在咽喉,其中密封件的两个部分。 A big viton O-Ring is held on the convergent part with a steel retainer; this thing is a galvanized steel plumbing reducer, that was cut to the appropriate length.一个很大的氟橡胶O型圈举行的收敛与钢保持器,这个东西是镀锌水管,减速机,切割到合适的长度。 All in all this nozzle cost me only $5 and a few hours of work !所有这一切喷嘴只花了我5美元和几个小时的工作!
Results:结果: The test in itself was very successful, I got a quick ignition (0.7s) without the use of an ignition diaphragm (in fact I forgot to put it in the motor during assembly).测试本身是非常成功的,我得到了快速点火(0.7秒)无使用的点火隔膜(其实我忘了把它在发动机在装配过程中)。 The catalyst was only the screws coated with PU and permanganate crystals like in test 07.催化剂是涂PU和高锰酸盐晶体的螺丝喜欢在测试07。 The thrust and chamber pressure were very near the predicted ones of 110N/25bar.的推力室的压力是非常接近的110N/25bar预测的。
The total impulse was of 180 Ns, but since some peroxide was lost again due to a leak before the injector, it's hard to estimate the specific impulse.总冲量为180 Ns,但因为一些过氧化物由于喷油器泄漏前又迷路了,这是很难估计比冲。 With a rough estimate of the leak, I guess it should have been in the 170s range.粗略估计的泄漏,我想它应该是在170范围内。 There is also a clear low frequency oscillation in the measurement of both the Pc and the thrust, but I have no idea of what it is due to...还有一个明显的低频振荡在PC和推力测量,但我不知道它是什么,由于...
注1:该视频是不是很令人兴奋的,因为没有火焰是可见的。 The plume of PE hybrids is by itself quite transparent, and furthermore this test was done under the blazing XXXXXX杂交缕缕本身是相当透明的,而且这个测试是在烈日炎炎下。 Remark 2: I know that the thrust curve doesn't get back to 0N at the end of the burn; it comes from the measurement system, which wasn't designed to measure such small thrusts.
测试07 - 2007年3月26日
Second test of the 100N version of the motor.100N版本的电动机的第二测试。 The ignition diaphragm is now thicker.点火隔膜是现在变粗。 I also had to fabricate a new nozzle, since I broke the first one while taking it out of the motor after test 06.我也不得不制造一个新的喷嘴,因为我打破了第一个,同时它的电机测试后06。 I also made a different catalyst pack.我也做了不同的催化剂包。 It's a two sections catalyst pack: the first one is composed of screws maintained in the peroxide flow direction, coated with polyurethane and permanganate crystals, and the one is composed of fragments of polyurethane/permanaganate mix, maintained between two steel grids.这是一个两部分的催化剂组:第一个是由过氧化物的流动方向,涂覆有聚氨酯和高锰酸盐的晶体,和1组成的片段聚氨酯/ permanaganate组合之间保持两个钢格栅保持在螺钉。
Results:结果: The good point is that the fuel ignitited almost instantly; it indicates both that the igntition diaphragm worked well, and that the catalyst was quite efficient.好点的,的燃料ignitited几乎立即的,它表明,igntition隔膜运作良好,该催化剂是非常有效的。 The bad point is that the steel grid retaining the catalyst break off; catayst fragments blocked the nozzle throat for a short time, until the throat the wooden nozzle had burned enough to let them get out of the motor.坏的一点是,保留了催化剂的钢格折断; catayst碎片堵住了嘴很短的时间,直到喉咙喷嘴的喉咙已被烧毁,足以让他们飞出发动机。 Furthermore, a small leak at the injector caused some peroxide to be lost, which reduced the burn time.此外,在喷油器泄漏造成了一定的丢失过氧化氢,从而降低了燃烧时间。
The thrust measurement is yet encouraging, since the motor appears to have given +/- 120 N, until nozzle was blocked, which is near the expected thrust of 100N.推力测量又是令人鼓舞的,由于发动机似乎已给定的+ / - 120 N,直到喷嘴堵塞,这是预期推力100N附近。 A more resistant nozzle and cat pack and it will be running again...一个更耐的喷嘴和罐体,它将被再次运行...
测试06 - 2007年3月11日
First test of the 100N version of the motor.
- The
injector is my small aluminium swirl injector (see the
specific page ).
特定的页面 )。
- The catalyst is a mix of potassium permangante with polyester, the same I used in my demonstration motor.
- The fuel is a monoport grain of black high density polyethylene.
- A small pierced diaphragm, also made of HDPE, is placed just before the nozzle, in order to accelerate the chamber pressure build-up before ignition.
- 一个小型的刺穿隔膜,也高密度聚乙烯制成的,被放置之前的喷嘴,为了加速在点火前的腔室的压力建立。
- The nozzle is made of oak, coated with sodium silicate, which has fire-retardant properties.
- Parts of steel tube are used as spacers between the various elements.
间隔件 。
结果: The diaphragm appeared to have been to thin; it melt before ignition, allowing the (partially) decomposed peroxide to flow out of the motor.
It thus didn't light.
Only a big puff of steam...