Hi Guys,
I am a Chinese student. Some of my friends are rocket enthusiasts. They discovered the powerful OpenRocket in SourceForge but the language barrier is a headache problem so only few people could use the software.
When I was working on Chinese localization (l10n) these days, two main issues have been found.
(I haven't fully review the source code, maybe I am wrong in some points.)
1. Register supported language.
java.util.locale supports Language and Country, such as Fr_fr, En_US, En_GB, En_AU.
Of course, if set the language code without country code, Locale still works.
However, in China, which has two different language systems: Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. Normally the language codes are zh_TW (Taiwai) and zh_CN (motherland).
A little enhancement could be done in []
private static final List<Locale> SUPPORTED_LOCALES;
static {
List<Locale> list = new ArrayList<Locale>();
for (String lang : new String[] { "en", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "ru", "cs", "pl"}) { //original code
XXXXXXXd(new Locale(lang));
XXXXXXXd(new Locale("zh","cn")); //add
XXXXXXXd(new Locale("zh","tw")); //add
SUPPORTED_LOCALES = Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
After modified this code and created two l10n language files (messages_zh_XXXXXoperties, messages_zh_XXXXXoperties), OpenRocket Preference -> Interface Languages will list the items properly.
2. Asian Fonts
When OpenRocket generates a diagram, it refers embedded font XXXXXXXXXXXXXXf as default. Unfortunately, this font does not support Chinese or Japanese or other Asian languages, any words on the diagram will present as squares.
In my opinion, It is not recommended to embedded these fonts into OpenRocket because of their file size. I wish OpenRocket could implement a font selection menu in Preference window, for both java form font and diagram font.
That is really good, could you please send us the files so that they can be
included in the OpenRocket core code. Note that sometime it is best to send
them has a word document so that I can convert them.
What do you think of point nbr 2 that Zhu reported?
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 18:52:17 +0300
To: openrocket-devel@XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXt
Subject: Re: [Openrocket-devel] Issues When Translate OpenRocket to Chinese (or other Asian Languages)
Thanks for the work Zhu!
Regarding the language codes, I think it would be better to have either one the "default" Chinese version with language code zh, and the other one a language variant zh-CN or zh-TW. That way it the current locale is just "zh" or some other variant of it (for example zh-HK), it still provides a Chinese locale. In a previous work project we had "zh" being Simplified Chinese and zh-TW and zh-HK as variants. Please give your opinion about this.
Is there some specific reason why the DejaVuSerif font is embedded and used? Could we just use some standard PDF fonts (probably Helvetica)? (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/wiki/Portable_Document_Format#Standard_Type_1_Fonts_.28Standard_14_Fonts.29)
Sampo N.
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