内容:XXXXSU的浇筑This page explains the casting process I use to make sugar propellant grains for my home built,This method also makes casting easier, as the courser particles make a thinner, less viscous propellant,Make sure you have everything on hand before starting.Heating Pot.,I use one that has a flat tip, it makes scraping the bottom easy.,Make your support tube removable.
内容:■Super cheap and easy to make Payload Box: ■Simple styrafoam boxTelemetry: Here is where things get interesting,Do not rely on any single system for navigation: always have a backup available, and make sure someone,restricted and hazardous areas are: Do not launch near restricted airspace, and check wind conditions to make
内容:pestle, grind together the yttrium oxide,copper oxide, and barium carbonate with enough acetone to make,There should be enough mixed oxide to make three XXXXXXXXXXace the pellets in the alumina boat, and place
内容:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ 使用廉价LED作为光线传感器Clever Electronic Sensing Using Cheap, Common Components 用1N4148作为温度传感器make,Hardware/MP3_XXXXXXXXXmXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/techref/projects/yammp3/XXXXXXXXXmlXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXt/make,59699旋转LED时钟XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/techref/projects/propclock/XXXXXXXXXXXXmlXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXt/make