BPS Bangs Per Second, the amount of times the primary capacitor is discharged through the primary per second. DRSSTC An SSTC whare the primary is tuned to resonance with a series capacitor ESR Effective Series Resistance, The amount of resistance a Capacitor introduces into a circuit. IGBT Insulated Gate Bi-polar Transistor. ISSTC Interrupted SSTC MMC Multi Manufactured Capacitor, A capacitor made from many smaller Manufactured (off the shelf) capacitors. MOSFET Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistor MOT Microwave Oven Transformer NST Neon Sign Transformer OBIT Oil Burner Ignition Transformer, used for igniting oil in boilers. OLTC Off Line Tesla Coil, A tesla coil that works directly from the mains supply with no step-up transformer. RQ Richie Quick Gap, Usually multiple lengths of copper tubing in series making a multi gapped spark gap. RSG Rotary Spark Gap SSTC Solid State Tesla Coil TLA Three Letter Abbreviation