这里代码有bug 新版本已上传GitHub 等我回家也上传这里(忘了)....最新-> 已经改好了 因为是重大bug才改这里 这个bug发现比较有趣 是因为win10抓住了我文件中一个潜藏了10年的病毒 发生了读取失败造成 一开始测试时候没有全面测试读取失败的例子
此外 在实施过程中发现 有两个文件 在两次检查之间 我并没有对其做任何操作 实质上没有发生变化 但是"修改时间"丢失 不知道何时被改成了"创建时间" 我代码中完全没有这方面的逻辑 也不会写待检查的文件 感觉应该与我无关 但除了我的脚本似乎也没有其他原因(这两个新的修改时间相差0.05秒 也许发生在我第一次运行脚本的时候 但是我检查逻辑 实在是只读打开)...... 这两个文件都是是.eml 但是其他eml又没事 不知道是系统干了什么 或者后台发生了什么 或者是python读取时候发生了什么 如果没有检查 我也不会发现这种情况...我找不到原因 如果你们用我这个脚本 应该注意一下这个情况发生的可能性(今天又发现两个.eml文件修改日期发生改变 但是并未运行本脚本 显然与本脚本无关 发生在文件拷贝过程 而且源和目的文件修改日期都不一样)
2024.4.6 找到原因了 .eml文件修改日期变化的原因是windows的索引和搜索功能导致 见XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/t/90054
前两天不幸遇到NAS硬盘损坏事件 糟糕的是 虽然我做了RAID1 但是除了一个硬盘完全不可读 另一个硬盘也出现SMART警告
幸运的是我平时的文件存储比较讲究 文件不光有活动备份 还有归档 还有这两者的离线再备份 经过努力 可以说没有损失 今天新硬盘到了 只要重建RAID 应该就可以继续逍遥一段时间了
因为这次NAS的两个盘已经被认定均不可靠 而且为了尽量保证文件版本是最新的 所以这次修复 我用winmerge对所有数据及其归档/备份进行了完整的二进制对比 然后人工决定版本 在对比中发现 有3个文件是完全损坏 2个文件有少量字节差异(但是修改时间是一致的) 这就产生了文件本身的可靠性问题 这是纯粹通过备份没法解决的 当文件与备份不同时候 相信哪个?
md5sum可以用于解决类似问题 但是它不够灵活 每次都做完整检查的话 运行代价太大 更主要用在固定的文件上(比如发行的版本) 对于活动的文件 我希望能对文件正常的新增/删除/修改与损坏区分开来 而且我希望30天内检查过的文件 不必再进行完整的MD5计算 以减少运行维护的成本 所以我写了个脚本 (如果有再次修改 只更新github了 最好从github下载) 功能如下
Check files in a directory and its recursive subdirectories using MD5 digest algorithm. This script will use a file to record MD5 digest of all the files under the directory, and following rules is adopted.
If a new file is detected, a new record is generated, and is marked as "NEW".
If a file in records is deleted, the corresponding record is not deleted, but is marked as "DEL".
If modify time or size of a file was changed, the corresponding record is updated, and is marked as "UPD".
If the MD5 digest of a file is changed, the corresponding record is not upadated, but is marked as "BAD".
Records of other files are marked as "GUD".
If I/O error occurs when calculating MD5 digest, the corresponding MD5 digest is 32 times of "-"
Usage: python C:\SHELL\Tool\XXXXXXXXXt [Options] <directory to be checked, which must be explicitly specified>
Example: python C:\SHELL\Tool\XXXXXXXXXt d:\data
-f <the record file contains MD5 digest> : defaultly a file named '._dirchk' in the directory is used if not specified here
-o <the output file contains MD5 digest> : defaultly using the same file as "-f" specified
-d <days> : if specified, Not-modified files that have just been checked in the these days are excluded from the MD5 re-calculation
-n <bytes> : if specified, MD5 re-calculation are no longer performed when the total bytes of MD5 calculation reaches this value (-d 和 -n 合理设置和配合 可以逐渐将文件的检查任务分散开来 不至于一次同时一堆文件需要检查 加入定期任务时候 不至于一连好多天没运算量 一天又运算量来不及完成)
-B : do not backup records when output file name is same as original record file name
-P : do not print progress information
-x : delete records marked as 'DEL'
0<0# : ^ ''' @python %~f0 %* @goto :eof ''' import os import sys import getopt import hashlib import datetime import time import re md5_err='-'*32 md5_total_bytes=0 def md5(fname): global md5_total_bytes m = hashlib.md5() try: with open(fname,'rb') as f : while d:=f.read(32768) : m.update(d) md5_total_bytes=md5_total_bytes+len(d) return m.hexdigest().upper() except Exception as e: print('{0} : {1}'.format(e, fname), file=sys.stderr) return md5_err #record:(check_date, mark, modify_time, size, MD5) pattern=re.compile(r'^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9A-Fa-f\-]{32})\s+(.+)$') def record_parse(line): if m:=pattern.match(line) : return (m.group(14), \ (datetime.date(int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3))), \ m.group(4), \ datetime.datetime(int(m.group(5)), int(m.group(6)), int(m.group(7)),int(m.group(8)), int(m.group(9)), int(m.group(10)), int(m.group(11))), \ int(m.group(12)), \ m.group(13).upper() \ ) \ ) return (None, None) format='{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d} {3:<3} {4:04d}-{5:02d}-{6:02d}:{7:02d}:{8:02d}:{9:02d}.{10:06d} {11:>16} {12:<32} {13}' def record_format(fname, rec): return format.format(rec[0].year, rec[0].month, rec[0].day, \ rec[1], \ rec[2].year, rec[2].month, rec[2].day, rec[2].hour, rec[2].minute, rec[2].second, rec[2].microsecond, \ rec[3], \ rec[4], \ fname) if __name__ != '__main__': exit(0) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'f:o:d:n:BPx') except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) if not args or len(args)!=1: print('''\ Check files in a directory and its recursive subdirectories using MD5 digest algorithm. \ This script will use a file to record MD5 digest of all the files under the directory, and following rules is adopted. If a new file is detected, a new record is generated, and is marked as "NEW". If a file in records is deleted, the corresponding record is not deleted, but is marked as "DEL". If modify time or size of a file was changed, the corresponding record is updated, and is marked as "UPD". If the MD5 digest of a file is changed, the corresponding record is not upadated, but is marked as "BAD". Records of other files are marked as "GUD". If I/O error occurs when calculating MD5 digest, the corresponding MD5 digest is 32 times of "-" Usage: python {0} [Options] <directory to be checked, which must be explicitly specified> Example: python {0} d:\\data Options: -f <the record file contains MD5 digest> : defaultly a file named '._dirchk' in the directory is used if not specified here -o <the output file contains MD5 digest> : defaultly using the same file as "-f" specified -d <days> : if specified, Not-modified files that have just been checked in the these days are excluded from the MD5 re-calculation -n <bytes> : if specified, MD5 re-calculation are no longer performed when the total bytes of MD5 calculation reaches this value -B : do not backup records when output file name is same as original record file name -P : do not print progress information -x : delete records marked as 'DEL'\ '''.format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) #check dir directory=args[0].strip() if len(directory)==0: directory='.' elif len(directory)>1: directory=directory[0:1]+directory[1:].rstrip('\\').rstrip('/') if not os.path.exists(directory) : print('Directory "{0}" does not exist'.format(directory), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) elif not os.path.isdir(directory) : print('"{0}" is not a directory'.format(directory), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) #get other parameters rec_file=os.path.join(directory, '._dirchk') out_file=None days=0 bytes_limit=-1 backup=1 progress=1 clean=0 for n, v in opts: if n in ('-B',): backup=0 elif n in ('-P',): progress=0 elif n in ('-x',): clean=1 elif n in ("-f",): rec_file=v elif n in ("-o",): out_file=v elif n in ('-d',): try: days=int(v) except: print('"{0}" is not a number for "-d"'.format(v), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) elif n in ('-n',): try: bytes_limit=int(v) except: print('"{0}" is not a number for "-n"'.format(v), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) if not out_file: out_file=rec_file #check output file permission out_dir=os.path.dirname(out_file) if not out_dir: out_dir='.' if not os.access(out_dir, os.W_OK): print('Output directory is not writable : {0}'.format(out_dir), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) #check date now=datetime.datetime.now() today=now.date() print('Check date: {0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}'.format(today.year, today.month, today.day), file=sys.stderr) #read records from specifiled file #format: check_date mark modify_time size md5_hex file_name records=dict() rec_file_exists=0 if os.path.exists(rec_file) : rec_file_exists=1 if not os.path.isfile(rec_file) : print('"{0}" is not a file'.format(rec_file), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) num=0 t1=time.time() try: print('Read record file: {0}'.format(rec_file), file=sys.stderr) with open(rec_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: if not (line:=line.strip()) : continue fname, rec=record_parse(line) if not fname or not rec: print('Bad record line {0} : {1}'.format(num+1, line), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) records[fname]=rec num=num+1 if progress and (t2:=time.time())-t1>1: t1=t2 sys.stderr.write('Records read : {0}/{1}\r'.format(len(records), num)) sys.stderr.flush() print('Records read : {0}/{1}'.format(len(records), num), file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: print(e) exit(1) #scan directory, get mtime (or ctime if failed to get mtime) scanned=dict() print('Scan directory : {0}'.format(directory), file=sys.stderr) num=0 t1=time.time() try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: f=os.path.join(root, file) st=os.stat(f) t=st.st_mtime if t<0: t=st.st_ctime if t<0: t=0 scanned[f]=(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t), st.st_size) num=num+1 if progress and (t2:=time.time())-t1>1: t1=t2 sys.stderr.write('Files scanned : {0}/{1}\r'.format(len(scanned), num)) sys.stderr.flush() print('Files scanned : {0}/{1}'.format(len(scanned), num), file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) #backup if backup and rec_file_exists and os.path.abspath(rec_file)==os.path.abspath(out_file): try: newname='{0}.{1:04d}{2:02d}{3:02d}.{4:02d}{5:02d}{6:02d}'.format(rec_file, now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) os.rename(rec_file, newname) print('Rename old record file : {0}'.format(newname), file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) #prepare output file try: if out_file=='-': out=sys.stdout else: out=open(out_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) #check files according to the rules files=set(records.keys()) files.update(scanned.keys()) print('Checking records and files : {0}'.format(len(files)), file=sys.stderr) num=0 bytes_done=0 bytes_recalc=0 t1=time.time() for f in sorted(files): if f in records: rec=records[f] mark=rec[1] if f in scanned: sc=scanned[f] if rec[1]=='DEL': print(record_format(f, (today, 'NEW', sc[0], sc[1], md5(f))), file=out) elif rec[2]!=sc[0] or rec[3]!=sc[1]: print(record_format(f, (today, 'UPD', sc[0], sc[1], md5(f))), file=out) elif rec[4]==md5_err: if (m:=md5(f))!=md5_err: print(record_format(f, (today, rec[1], rec[2], rec[3], m)), file=out) else: print(record_format(f, rec), file=out) elif rec[1]=='BAD': if md5(f)==rec[4]: print(record_format(f, (today, 'GUD', rec[2], rec[3], rec[4])), file=out) else: print(record_format(f, rec), file=out) elif (bytes_limit<0 or md5_total_bytes<bytes_limit) and (days==0 or (days>0 and (today-rec[0]).days>=days)): if (m:=md5(f))!=md5_err: if m==rec[4]: print(record_format(f, (today, 'GUD', rec[2], rec[3], rec[4])), file=out) else: print(record_format(f, (today, 'BAD', rec[2], rec[3], rec[4])), file=out) print('File may be damaged : {0}'.format(f), file=sys.stderr) else: print(record_format(f, rec), file=out) else: print(record_format(f, rec), file=out) elif not clean: if rec[1]!='DEL': print(record_format(f, (today, 'DEL', rec[2], rec[3], rec[4])), file=out) else: print(record_format(f, rec), file=out) else: sc=scanned[f] print(record_format(f, (today, 'NEW', sc[0], sc[1], md5(f))), file=out) num=num+1 if progress and (t2:=time.time())-t1>1: t1=t2 sys.stderr.write('Records and files checked : {0}/{1}\r'.format(num, len(files))) sys.stderr.flush() print('Records and files checked : {0}/{1}'.format(num, len(files)), file=sys.stderr) #end output if out_file!='-': out.close()
时段 | 个数 |
{{f.startingTime}}点 - {{f.endTime}}点 | {{f.fileCount}} |