Biological impact of tritium
◇Animal tests and epidemiologic research to date have NOT shown “a far greater biological impact from tritium than other radiation or nuclides.
◇Mouse carcinogenicity experiments showed that even when mice continue to drink highly concentrated tritiated water (0.14 bilion becquerels/L),occurrence probability is about the same as that due to natural cancer occurrence.
◇No examples of negative impact attributable to tritium have been commonly seen among nuclear facilities.
(Ref.) Impact on human health of compound including tritium
●Tritium ingested in human body is excreted by metabolism and will be reduced with time.
◇Tritiated water ・Impact on human health is about 1/300 of that of Potassium 40(* Potassium-40 is a natural radionuclide abundant in foods such as vegetables and fruits.) ・Of the tritiated water that enters the body, 5% to 6% is converted into OBT(Organically Bound Tritium)
◇OBT (Organically Bound Tritium ・ Impact on human health of the OBT is less than 1/300 of that of cesium 137
另附January 28, 2021发布的最新月度进度表,内容详实,就是字又多又小(看的头疼),想知道目前最新进展的看这个就没错了。当前同时进行的包括众多项目,这是在百度和新闻里看不到的。工程确实严谨,不管是工作量还是技术投入都确实是举国之力才能完成的,另外所有工作也都在国际原子能专家监督下进行,就目前来讲没有太大的硬伤了(当然历史遗留问题不算,现在巨大的工作量里有一部分就是倾国之力给之前擦屁股)。至少涨涨见识挺好,这种大工程不常见。
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