qt 源码 build 方法
./configure -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-5.12.4-arm/ -release -opensource -make libs -xplatform linux-g++-32 -optimized-qmake -pch -qt-libjpeg -qt-zlib -no-opengl -skip qt3d -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtpurchasing -no-sse2 -no-openssl -no-cups -no-glib -no-iconv -nomake examples -nomake tools -skip qtvirtualkeyboard
./configure -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-5.12.4-arm/ -opensource -no-opengl
qpaintervideosurface.cpp:67:12: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'class QGLContext'
./configure -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-5.12.4-arm/ -release -opensource -platform linux-g++ -make libs -optimized-qmake -pch -qt-libjpeg -qt-zlib -skip qt3d -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtpurchasing -no-sse2 -no-openssl -no-cups -no-glib -no-iconv -nomake examples -nomake tools -skip qtvirtualkeyboard
去掉 -opengl 指定 -platform linux-g++
./configure -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-5.12.4-arm/ -release -opensource -platform linux-g++
./configure -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-5.12.4-arm/ -release -opensource -platform linux-g++
-nomake docs -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tests
./configure -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-5.12.4-arm/ -release -opensource -platform linux-g++ -nomake examples -nomake tests
make clean 清除编译
debian x86 安装 交叉编译器 apt-get install g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
config 使用 平台 linux-arm-gnueabihf-g++
在 qtbase/mkspecs 中新建 linux-arm-gnueabihf-g++ 编辑 XXXXXXXXnf 全部编译器改为 linux-arm-gnueabi-g++
file sqlite3-shell.o
sqlite3-shell.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
The OpenGL functionality tests failed!
解决方法 apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
注意 安装完以后 删除全部qt源码重新解压 后 错误才会消失
../configure -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-5.15.1-arm/ \
-release -opensource \
-platform linux-g++ -xplatform linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ \
-nomake examples -nomake tests -recheck-all
时段 | 个数 |
{{f.startingTime}}点 - {{f.endTime}}点 | {{f.fileCount}} |