奇侠 发表于 2014-4-25 01:14
为了简单明了的说明问题,在这里我做了一小实 ...
23楼 ,24 楼。
I should also mention a bit about current transformers. I read a paper that basically said, for RF use, cascaded (1 CT feeds the next CT) CTs are better than a single CT with lots of turns on it. This makes life much easier! For my DRSSTC-1 using primary feedback i use 2 cascaded CTs, each a 1:33 ratio. I use an identical set of CTs for the over current detection. It seems to work great. One other bit of crucial information. Terminate the CTs (either it be the diodes on the feedback CT or the resistor on the OC CT) as close to the board as possible (i mount the resistors/diodes right on the PCB). This greatly helps reject noise on both circuits.
这是steve的原话。 他说的使用两个CT是为了方便。
以往的经验中发现, 使用一个CT比两个更容易起振,这是什么原因?
steve 的DR0.5中 ,用的是一个磁环, 但是是次级反馈, 是不是因为初级和次级的相位差,所以用一个磁环 ,反馈回来的信号就是刚刚好的? 如果是这样的话, 次级反馈的TC就应该使用一个磁环? 或者是DR0.5的设计有问题?