Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long 'Variable Declarations Private m_CRC32Asmbl() As Byte Private m_CRC32Table(0 To 255) As Long '//--Procedures--// Function FileChecksum(File As String) As String 'Returns the CRC32 checksum value of a specified file. 'Make sure the file isn't empty or invalid to avoid errors later If Len(Dir$(File)) = 0 Then Exit Function End If On Error GoTo Err_Handler Dim Arr() As Byte Dim f As Integer f = FreeFile 'Get any available file number for use Open File For Binary Access Read As f 'Redimensionized array according to length of file ReDim Arr(0 To LOF(f) - 1) As Byte Get #f, , Arr() 'Get file contents Close #f 'Calculate CRC32 checksum FileChecksum = Hex$(CalculateBytes(Arr)) Err_Handler: End Function Function StringChecksum(Str As String) As String 'Returns the CRC32 checksum value of the specified string. 'Make sure the string has contents before execution to avoid errors If Not Len(Str) = 0 Then 'Convert into an array of bytes StringChecksum = Hex$(CalculateBytes(StrConv(Str, vbFromUnicode))) End If End Function '[s:9]rivate Function Private Function CalculateBytes(Arr() As Byte) As Long Dim CRC32 As Long CRC32 = &HFFFFFFFF 'CRC32 must have this default value 'Suppress error if array isn't dimensionized On Local Error GoTo Err_Handler Dim i As Long i = UBound(Arr) - LBound(Arr) + 1 '[s:9]recalculate size of array 'Execute the precompiled assembler code to calculate and generate CRC32 checksum value Call CallWindowProc(VarPtr(m_CRC32Asmbl(0)), VarPtr(CRC32), VarPtr(Arr(LBound(Arr))), VarPtr(m_CRC32Table(0)), i) Err_Handler: CalculateBytes = (Not CRC32) 'Return CRC32 value End Function 'Class Procedures Private Sub Class_Initialize() Dim i As Long ' Dim j As Long ' Dim lCRC32 As Long ' Const lXOR32 As Long = &HEDB88320 ' For i = 0 To 255 ' lCRC32 = i ' ' For j = 8 To 1 Step -1 ' If (lCRC32 And 1) Then ' lCRC32 = ((lCRC32 And &HFFFFFFFE) \\ 2&) And &H7FFFFFFF ' lCRC32 = lCRC32 Xor lxor32 ' Else ' lCRC32 = ((lCRC32 And &HFFFFFFFE) \\ 2&) And &H7FFFFFFF ' End If ' Next j ' ' m_CRC32Table(i) = lCRC32 ' Next i m_CRC32Table(0) = &H0 m_CRC32Table(1) = &H77073096 m_CRC32Table(2) = &HEE0E612C m_CRC32Table(3) = &H990951BA m_CRC32Table(4) = &H76DC419 m_CRC32Table(5) = &H706AF48F m_CRC32Table(6) = &HE963A535 m_CRC32Table(7) = &H9E6495A3 m_CRC32Table(8) = &HEDB8832 m_CRC32Table(9) = &H79DCB8A4 m_CRC32Table(10) = &HE0D5E91E m_CRC32Table(11) = &H97D2D988 m_CRC32Table(12) = &H9B64C2B m_CRC32Table(13) = &H7EB17CBD m_CRC32Table(14) = &HE7B82D07 m_CRC32Table(15) = &H90BF1D91 m_CRC32Table(16) = &H1DB71064 m_CRC32Table(17) = &H6AB020F2 m_CRC32Table(18) = &HF3B97148 m_CRC32Table(19) = &H84BE41DE m_CRC32Table(20) = &H1ADAD47D m_CRC32Table(21) = &H6DDDE4EB m_CRC32Table(22) = &HF4D4B551 m_CRC32Table(23) = &H83D385C7 m_CRC32Table(24) = &H136C9856 m_CRC32Table(25) = &H646BA8C0 m_CRC32Table(26) = &HFD62F97A m_CRC32Table(27) = &H8A65C9EC m_CRC32Table(28) = &H14015C4F m_CRC32Table(29) = &H63066CD9 m_CRC32Table(30) = &HFA0F3D63 m_CRC32Table(31) = &H8D080DF5 m_CRC32Table(32) = &H3B6E20C8 m_CRC32Table(33) = &H4C69105E m_CRC32Table(34) = &HD56041E4 m_CRC32Table(35) = &HA2677172 m_CRC32Table(36) = &H3C03E4D1 m_CRC32Table(37) = &H4B04D447 m_CRC32Table(38) = &HD20D85FD m_CRC32Table(39) = &HA50AB56B m_CRC32Table(40) = &H35B5A8FA m_CRC32Table(41) = &H42B2986C m_CRC32Table(42) = &HDBBBC9D6 m_CRC32Table(43) = &HACBCF940 m_CRC32Table(44) = &H32D86CE3 m_CRC32Table(45) = &H45DF5C75 m_CRC32Table(46) = &HDCD60DCF m_CRC32Table(47) = &HABD13D59 m_CRC32Table(48) = &H26D930AC m_CRC32Table(49) = &H51DE003A m_CRC32Table(50) = &HC8D75180 m_CRC32Table(51) = &HBFD06116 m_CRC32Table(52) = &H21B4F4B5 m_CRC32Table(53) = &H56B3C423 m_CRC32Table(54) = &HCFBA9599 m_CRC32Table(55) = &HB8BDA50F m_CRC32Table(56) = &H2802B89E m_CRC32Table(57) = &H5F058808 m_CRC32Table(58) = &HC60CD9B2 m_CRC32Table(59) = &HB10BE924 m_CRC32Table(60) = &H2F6F7C87 m_CRC32Table(61) = &H58684C11 m_CRC32Table(62) = &HC1611DAB m_CRC32Table(63) = &HB6662D3D m_CRC32Table(64) = &H76DC4190 m_CRC32Table(65) = &H1DB7106 m_CRC32Table(66) = &H98D220BC m_CRC32Table(67) = &HEFD5102A m_CRC32Table(68) = &H71B18589 m_CRC32Table(69) = &H6B6B51F m_CRC32Table(70) = &H9FBFE4A5 m_CRC32Table(71) = &HE8B8D433 m_CRC32Table(72) = &H7807C9A2 m_CRC32Table(73) = &HF00F934 m_CRC32Table(74) = &H9609A88E m_CRC32Table(75) = &HE10E9818 m_CRC32Table(76) = &H7F6A0DBB m_CRC32Table(77) = &H86D3D2D m_CRC32Table(78) = &H91646C97 m_CRC32Table(79) = &HE6635C01 m_CRC32Table(80) = &H6B6B51F4 m_CRC32Table(81) = &H1C6C6162 m_CRC32Table(82) = &H856530D8 m_CRC32Table(83) = &HF262004E m_CRC32Table(84) = &H6C0695ED m_CRC32Table(85) = &H1B01A57B m_CRC32Table(86) = &H8208F4C1 m_CRC32Table(87) = &HF50FC457 m_CRC32Table(88) = &H65B0D9C6 m_CRC32Table(89) = &H12B7E950 m_CRC32Table(90) = &H8BBEB8EA m_CRC32Table(91) = &HFCB9887C m_CRC32Table(92) = &H62DD1DDF m_CRC32Table(93) = &H15DA2D49 m_CRC32Table(94) = &H8CD37CF3 m_CRC32Table(95) = &HFBD44C65 m_CRC32Table(96) = &H4DB26158 m_CRC32Table(97) = &H3AB551CE m_CRC32Table(98) = &HA3BC0074 m_CRC32Table(99) = &HD4BB30E2 m_CRC32Table(100) = &H4ADFA541 m_CRC32Table(101) = &H3DD895D7 m_CRC32Table(102) = &HA4D1C46D m_CRC32Table(103) = &HD3D6F4FB m_CRC32Table(104) = &H4369E96A m_CRC32Table(105) = &H346ED9FC m_CRC32Table(106) = &HAD678846 m_CRC32Table(107) = &HDA60B8D0 m_CRC32Table(108) = &H44042D73 m_CRC32Table(109) = &H33031DE5 m_CRC32Table(110) = &HAA0A4C5F m_CRC32Table(111) = &HDD0D7CC9 m_CRC32Table(112) = &H5005713C m_CRC32Table(113) = &H270241AA m_CRC32Table(114) = &HBE0B1010 m_CRC32Table(115) = &HC90C2086 m_CRC32Table(116) = &H5768B525 m_CRC32Table(117) = &H206F85B3 m_CRC32Table(118) = &HB966D409 m_CRC32Table(119) = &HCE61E49F m_CRC32Table(120) = &H5EDEF90E m_CRC32Table(121) = &H29D9C998 m_CRC32Table(122) = &HB0D09822 m_CRC32Table(123) = &HC7D7A8B4 m_CRC32Table(124) = &H59B33D17 m_CRC32Table(125) = &H2EB40D81 m_CRC32Table(126) = &HB7BD5C3B m_CRC32Table(127) = &HC0BA6CAD m_CRC32Table(128) = &HEDB88320 m_CRC32Table(129) = &H9ABFB3B6 m_CRC32Table(130) = &H3B6E20C m_CRC32Table(131) = &H74B1D29A m_CRC32Table(132) = &HEAD54739 m_CRC32Table(133) = &H9DD277AF m_CRC32Table(134) = &H4DB2615 m_CRC32Table(135) = &H73DC1683 m_CRC32Table(136) = &HE3630B12 m_CRC32Table(137) = &H94643B84 m_CRC32Table(138) = &HD6D6A3E m_CRC32Table(139) = &H7A6A5AA8 m_CRC32Table(140) = &HE40ECF0B m_CRC32Table(141) = &H9309FF9D m_CRC32Table(142) = &HA00AE27 m_CRC32Table(143) = &H7D079EB1 m_CRC32Table(144) = &HF00F9344 m_CRC32Table(145) = &H8708A3D2 m_CRC32Table(146) = &H1E01F268 m_CRC32Table(147) = &H6906C2FE m_CRC32Table(148) = &HF762575D m_CRC32Table(149) = &H806567CB m_CRC32Table(150) = &H196C3671 m_CRC32Table(151) = &H6E6B06E7 m_CRC32Table(152) = &HFED41B76 m_CRC32Table(153) = &H89D32BE0 m_CRC32Table(154) = &H10DA7A5A m_CRC32Table(155) = &H67DD4ACC m_CRC32Table(156) = &HF9B9DF6F m_CRC32Table(157) = &H8EBEEFF9 m_CRC32Table(158) = &H17B7BE43 m_CRC32Table(159) = &H60B08ED5 m_CRC32Table(160) = &HD6D6A3E8 m_CRC32Table(161) = &HA1D1937E m_CRC32Table(162) = &H38D8C2C4 m_CRC32Table(163) = &H4FDFF252 m_CRC32Table(164) = &HD1BB67F1 m_CRC32Table(165) = &HA6BC5767 m_CRC32Table(166) = &H3FB506DD m_CRC32Table(167) = &H48B2364B m_CRC32Table(168) = &HD80D2BDA m_CRC32Table(169) = &HAF0A1B4C m_CRC32Table(170) = &H36034AF6 m_CRC32Table(171) = &H41047A60 m_CRC32Table(172) = &HDF60EFC3 m_CRC32Table(173) = &HA867DF55 m_CRC32Table(174) = &H316E8EEF m_CRC32Table(175) = &H4669BE79 m_CRC32Table(176) = &HCB61B38C m_CRC32Table(177) = &HBC66831A m_CRC32Table(178) = &H256FD2A0 m_CRC32Table(179) = &H5268E236 m_CRC32Table(180) = &HCC0C7795 m_CRC32Table(181) = &HBB0B4703 m_CRC32Table(182) = &H220216B9 m_CRC32Table(183) = &H5505262F m_CRC32Table(184) = &HC5BA3BBE m_CRC32Table(185) = &HB2BD0B28 m_CRC32Table(186) = &H2BB45A92 m_CRC32Table(187) = &H5CB36A04 m_CRC32Table(188) = &HC2D7FFA7 m_CRC32Table(189) = &HB5D0CF31 m_CRC32Table(190) = &H2CD99E8B m_CRC32Table(191) = &H5BDEAE1D m_CRC32Table(192) = &H9B64C2B0 m_CRC32Table(193) = &HEC63F226 m_CRC32Table(194) = &H756AA39C m_CRC32Table(195) = &H26D930A m_CRC32Table(196) = &H9C0906A9 m_CRC32Table(197) = &HEB0E363F m_CRC32Table(198) = &H72076785 m_CRC32Table(199) = &H5005713 m_CRC32Table(200) = &H95BF4A82 m_CRC32Table(201) = &HE2B87A14 m_CRC32Table(202) = &H7BB12BAE m_CRC32Table(203) = &HCB61B38 m_CRC32Table(204) = &H92D28E9B m_CRC32Table(205) = &HE5D5BE0D m_CRC32Table(206) = &H7CDCEFB7 m_CRC32Table(207) = &HBDBDF21 m_CRC32Table(208) = &H86D3D2D4 m_CRC32Table(209) = &HF1D4E242 m_CRC32Table(210) = &H68DDB3F8 m_CRC32Table(211) = &H1FDA836E m_CRC32Table(212) = &H81BE16CD m_CRC32Table(213) = &HF6B9265B m_CRC32Table(214) = &H6FB077E1 m_CRC32Table(215) = &H18B74777 m_CRC32Table(216) = &H88085AE6 m_CRC32Table(217) = &HFF0F6A70 m_CRC32Table(218) = &H66063BCA m_CRC32Table(219) = &H11010B5C m_CRC32Table(220) = &H8F659EFF m_CRC32Table(221) = &HF862AE69 m_CRC32Table(222) = &H616BFFD3 m_CRC32Table(223) = &H166CCF45 m_CRC32Table(224) = &HA00AE278 m_CRC32Table(225) = &HD70DD2EE m_CRC32Table(226) = &H4E048354 m_CRC32Table(227) = &H3903B3C2 m_CRC32Table(228) = &HA7672661 m_CRC32Table(229) = &HD06016F7 m_CRC32Table(230) = &H4969474D m_CRC32Table(231) = &H3E6E77DB m_CRC32Table(232) = &HAED16A4A m_CRC32Table(233) = &HD9D65ADC m_CRC32Table(234) = &H40DF0B66 m_CRC32Table(235) = &H37D83BF0 m_CRC32Table(236) = &HA9BCAE53 m_CRC32Table(237) = &HDEBB9EC5 m_CRC32Table(238) = &H47B2CF7F m_CRC32Table(239) = &H30B5FFE9 m_CRC32Table(240) = &HBDBDF21C m_CRC32Table(241) = &HCABAC28A m_CRC32Table(242) = &H53B39330 m_CRC32Table(243) = &H24B4A3A6 m_CRC32Table(244) = &HBAD03605 m_CRC32Table(245) = &HCDD70693 m_CRC32Table(246) = &H54DE5729 m_CRC32Table(247) = &H23D967BF m_CRC32Table(248) = &HB3667A2E m_CRC32Table(249) = &HC4614AB8 m_CRC32Table(250) = &H5D681B02 m_CRC32Table(251) = &H2A6F2B94 m_CRC32Table(252) = &HB40BBE37 m_CRC32Table(253) = &HC30C8EA1 m_CRC32Table(254) = &H5A05DF1B m_CRC32Table(255) = &H2D02EF8D Const ASM As String = "5589E557565053518B45088B008B750C8B7D108B4D1431DB8A1E30C3C1E80833049F464975F28B4D088901595B585E5F89EC5DC21000" ' Decoded ASM source from HIEW 6.86 (Hacker's View) ' ' 55 PUSH BP ' 89E5 MOV BP,SP ' 57 PUSH DI ' 56 PUSH SI ' 50 PUSH AX ' 53 PUSH BX ' 51 PUSH CX ' 8B4508 MOV AX,DI[08] ' 8B00 MOV AX,BX[SI] ' 8B750C MOV SI,DI[0C] ' 8B7D10 MOV DI,DI[10] ' 8B4D14 MOV CX,DI[14] ' 31DB XOR BX,BX ' 8A1E30C3 MOV BL,0C330 ' C1E808 SHR AX,008 <-. ' 3304 XOR AX,[SI] | ' 9F LAHF | ' 46 INC SI | ' 49 DEC CX | ' 75F2 JNE 000000018 -' ' 8B4D08 MOV CX,DI[08] ' 8901 MOV BX[DI],AX ' 59 POP CX ' 5B POP BX ' 58 POP AX ' 5E POP SI ' 5F POP DI ' 89EC MOV SP,BP ' 5D POP BP ' C21000 RETN 00010 ReDim m_CRC32Asmbl(0 To Len(ASM) \\ 2 - 1) 'Initialize CRC32 precompiled assembly code For i = 1 To Len(ASM) Step 2 m_CRC32Asmbl(i \\ 2) = Val("&H" & Mid$(ASM, i, 2)) Next i End Sub 'Created by Noel A. Dacara | Copyright ?2003-2005 Davao City, Philippines
Option Explicit
'Author : Noel A. Dacara (noeldacara@XXXXXXXXX)'Filename : Get File XXXXXXXs (cFileIcon Class Module)'Description : Get icon(s) of an existing file'Date : Tuesday, January 07, 2003, 10:12 AM'Last Update : Friday, November 25, 2005, 12:28 AM
'You can freely use and distribute this class or upload these codes on any site'provided that the original credits are kept unmodified.
'Keep note that :'If File property is not set, the current directory will automatically be used by API.
'Credits goes to:'Makers of the great Win32 Programmer's Reference, don't know who you are but thanks.'Christoph von Wittich (Christoph@XXXXXXXXXXX), author of ApiViewer 2004 for the APIs
'Modified API DeclarationPrivate Declare Function SHGetFileInfo Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetFileInfoA" (ByVal pszPath As String, ByVal dwFileAttributes As Long, ByRef psfi As SHFILEINFO, ByVal cbFileInfo As Long, ByVal uFlags As ESHGetFileInfoFlagConstants) As LongPrivate Declare Sub OleCreatePictureIndirect Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByRef lpPictDesc As PictDesc, ByRef riid As Guid, ByVal fOwn As Long, ByRef lplpvObj As IPictureDisp)
'API ConstantsPrivate Const ERRORAPI As Long = 0Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
'API TypesPrivate Type Guid Data1 As Long Data2 As Integer Data3 As Integer Data4(0 To 7) As ByteEnd Type
Private Type PictDesc cbSizeofStruct As Long picType As Long hImage As Long xExt As Long yExt As LongEnd Type
Private Type SHFILEINFO hIcon As Long ' : icon iIcon As Long ' : icondex dwAttributes As Long ' : SFGAO_ flags szDisplayName As String * MAX_PATH ' : display name (or path) szTypeName As String * 80 ' : type nameEnd Type
'User-Defined API EnumPrivate Enum ESHGetFileInfoFlagConstants SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES = &H800 'get file attributes SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME = &H200 'get display name SHGFI_EXETYPE = &H2000 'get exe type SHGFI_ICON = &H100 'get icon handle and index SHGFI_LARGEICON = &H0 'get file's large icon SHGFI_LINKOVERLAY = &H8000 'add link overlay on the icon SHGFI_OPENICON = &H2 'get file's open icon SHGFI_SELECTED = &H10000 'blend icon with the system highlight color SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE = &H4 'get shell-sized icon SHGFI_SMALLICON = &H1 'get file's small icon SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX = &H4000 'get icon index from system image list SHGFI_TYPENAME = &H400 'get file type description SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES = &H10 'use dwFileAttributes parameterEnd Enum
Enum EFileIconTypeConstants LargeIcon = 0 SmallIcon = 1End Enum
Enum EFileExeTypeConstants MSDosApp = 2 'MS-DOS .EXE, .COM or .BAT file NonExecutable = 0 'Nonexecutable file or an error condition Win32Console = 3 'Win32 console application WindowsApp = 1 'Windows applicationEnd Enum
'Variable DeclarationsPrivate m_File As StringPrivate m_Handle As LongPrivate m_IconType As EFileIconTypeConstantsPrivate m_OpenState As BooleanPrivate m_Overlay As BooleanPrivate m_Selected As Boolean
Property Get DisplayName(Optional File) As String'Returns the display name of the specified file. Dim p_Null As Long Dim p_Ret As Long Dim p_SHFI As SHFILEINFO If IsMissing(File) Then File = m_File End If p_Ret = SHGetFileInfo(CStr(File), 0&, p_SHFI, Len(p_SHFI), SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME) If Not p_Ret = ERRORAPI Then DisplayName = p_XXXXXXXDisplayName p_Null = InStr(1, DisplayName, vbNullChar) If p_Null > 0& Then DisplayName = Left$(DisplayName, p_Null - 1) End If End IfEnd Property
Property Get ExeType(Optional File) As EFileExeTypeConstants'Returns the display name of the specified file. Dim p_Ret As Long Dim p_SHFI As SHFILEINFO If IsMissing(File) Then File = m_File End If p_Ret = SHGetFileInfo(CStr(File), 0&, p_SHFI, Len(p_SHFI), SHGFI_EXETYPE) If p_Ret = 0 Then ExeType = NonExecutable Else If HiWord(p_Ret) > 0 Then 'NE 0x00004E45 or PE 0x00005045 ExeType = WindowsApp Else Select Case LoWord(p_Ret) Case 23117 'MZ 0x00004D5A ExeType = MSDosApp Case 17744 '[s:9]E 0x00005045 ExeType = Win32Console End Select End If End IfEnd Property
Property Get File() As String'Returns/sets the complete file path to be used. File = m_FileEnd Property
Property Let File(Value As String) m_File = ValueEnd Property
Property Get Handle() As Long'Returns/sets the icon handle to be used by the IconEx property. Handle = m_HandleEnd Property
Property Let Handle(Value As Long) m_Handle = ValueEnd Property
Property Get IconType() As EFileIconTypeConstants'Returns/sets the type of icon to retrieve. IconType = m_IconTypeEnd Property
Property Let IconType(Value As EFileIconTypeConstants) m_IconType = ValueEnd Property
Property Get Icon(Optional File, Optional IconType) As IPictureDisp'Returns the icon of the specified file. If IsMissing(File) Then File = m_File End If If IsMissing(IconType) Then IconType = m_IconType End If Dim p_Flags As ESHGetFileInfoFlagConstants Dim p_hIcon As Long Dim p_Ret As Long Dim p_SHFI As SHFILEINFO If m_IconType = LargeIcon Then p_Flags = SHGFI_ICON Or SHGFI_LARGEICON Else p_Flags = SHGFI_ICON Or SHGFI_SMALLICON End If If m_Overlay Then p_Flags = p_Flags Or SHGFI_LINKOVERLAY End If If m_Selected Then p_Flags = p_Flags Or SHGFI_SELECTED Else p_Flags = p_Flags And Not SHGFI_SELECTED End If If m_OpenState Then p_Flags = p_Flags Or SHGFI_OPENICON Else p_Flags = p_Flags And Not SHGFI_OPENICON End If p_Ret = SHGetFileInfo(CStr(File), 0&, p_SHFI, Len(p_SHFI), p_Flags) If Not p_Ret = ERRORAPI Then p_hIcon = p_SHFI.hIcon If Not p_hIcon = 0& Then Set Icon = IconEx(p_hIcon) End If End IfEnd Property
Property Get IconEx(Optional hIcon As Long) As IPictureDisp'Returns the file's icon using the specified icon handle. If hIcon = 0& Then hIcon = m_Handle If hIcon = 0& Then Exit Property End If End If Dim p_Picture As IPictureDisp Dim p_PicDesc As PictDesc Dim p_Guid As Guid p_PicDesc.cbSizeofStruct = Len(p_PicDesc) p_PicDesc.picType = vbPicTypeIcon p_PicDesc.hImage = hIcon 'IPicture GUID {7BF80980-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB} With p_Guid .Data1 = &H7BF80980 .Data2 = &HBF32 .Data3 = &H101A .Data4(0) = &H8B .Data4(1) = &HBB .Data4(2) = &H0 .Data4(3) = &HAA .Data4(4) = &H0 .Data4(5) = &H30 .Data4(6) = &HC .Data4(7) = &HAB End With 'From vbAccelerator... (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) OleCreatePictureIndirect p_PicDesc, p_Guid, True, p_Picture Set IconEx = p_PictureEnd Property
Property Get LinkOverlay() As Boolean'Returns/sets a value to determine if a linkoverlay icon is displayed on the icon. LinkOverlay = m_OverlayEnd Property
Property Let LinkOverlay(Value As Boolean) m_Overlay = ValueEnd Property
Property Get OpenState() As Boolean'Returns/sets a value to determine if the icon will be in open state. (Ex. Folders) OpenState = m_OpenStateEnd Property
Property Let OpenState(Value As Boolean) m_OpenState = ValueEnd Property
Property Get Selected() As Boolean'Returns/sets a value to determine if the icon is in selected state. Selected = m_SelectedEnd Property
Property Let Selected(Value As Boolean) m_Selected = ValueEnd Property
Property Get TypeName(Optional File) As String'Returns the type name of the specified file. Dim p_Null As Long Dim p_Ret As Long Dim p_SHFI As SHFILEINFO If IsMissing(File) Then File = m_File End If p_Ret = SHGetFileInfo(CStr(File), 0&, p_SHFI, Len(p_SHFI), SHGFI_TYPENAME) If Not p_Ret = ERRORAPI Then TypeName = p_XXXXXXXTypeName p_Null = InStr(1, TypeName, vbNullChar) If p_Null > 0& Then TypeName = Left$(TypeName, p_Null - 1) End If End IfEnd Property
'[s:9]rivate propertiesPrivate Property Get HiWord(DWord As Long) As Long HiWord = (DWord And &HFFFF0000) \\ &H10000End Property
Private Property Get LoWord(DWord As Long) As Long If DWord And &H8000& Then LoWord = DWord Or &HFFFF0000 Else LoWord = DWord And &HFFFF& End IfEnd Property
'Created by Noel A. Dacara | Copyright ?2003-2005 Davao City, Philippines