没错的话 应该是这个电路
The tesla transformer, consists of a PVC pipe 1.5cm diameter, with the 1000 turns secondary, inserted inside a larger PVC tube of 2.5cm diameter. The primary and the feedback coils are wound on the larger tube at the bottom. A very compact design that also allows the two tubes to slide, so the primary+feedback goes closer or further from the secondary, allowing to tune the resonance in a very convenient way. Also the mosfet was much cooler now.
分析电路结构 属于用MOS自激振荡的SSTC
本线圈作者对他的描述是High Frequency Solid State Tesla Coil (HF SSTC)
+50~100V电压通过R1 R2电阻 在节点分压 通过feedback线圈
向MOSFET栅极 提供一个50/16~100/16V的电压信号
MOSFET导通 通过限流电感L(100μH)在primary线圈流过电流
通过耦合 向feedback线圈提供一个电信号反馈
使得MOSFET关断 其余电容为控制震荡频率
然后MOSFET导通 进入下个循环
1:在MOSFET栅极加上稳压管 防止导线在高频下产生的高压击穿GS电容
2:可以在MOSFET栅极加上三极管构成的加速电路 来使开关速度加快 减少发热
另外这个电路的资料是 44V输入时 电流为2.18A
A few things I've learned:
1) The IRFP460 works best. And it must be a quality manufacturer, else it might not work (I've tested two mosfets with different manufacturer, and the results were not the same)
2) When winding the tesla transformer, keep in mind that sliding the primary over the secondary helps reaching resonance / better performance / cooler mosfet
3) No breakpoint = dead mosfet - be careful!
4) The device produces strong RF interference, so be careful with all the electronics arround, including the digital camera, your computer, etc . Be careful not to touch any metallic object near the HFSSTC, it will burn you.
5) A topload might help, but better run some tests to see how it goes in your case
6) You will need at least 50V to power this oscillator.
Hope this proves useful,